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27 June 2007

Update on Rosie's Armed Daughter

Rosie defends bullet-laden daughter picture
4-year-old girl shown in O'Donnell's own blog wearing ammo belt

Posted: June 26, 2007
4:07 p.m. Eastern

By Joe Kovacs
© 2007

Rosie O'Donnell is defending the banner photograph at the top of her blog today featuring her 4-year-old daughter wearing a toy ammunition belt and military fatigues.

Rosie O'Donnell is defending her online posting of this photo of her 4-year-old daughter Vivienne dressed up in military fatigues with toy ammunition (photo:

Titled "a picture says a thousand posts," the item was posted by the entertainer and outspoken anti-war activist at midday.

The photo is one of several now featured in a home video on showing Vivienne make the transition from princess last year to armed militant this year.

O'Donnell explains the photo was the result of a game of make-believe.

In an e-mail to The ShowBuzz, she said:

"They don't watch TV – this is how they play/the boys had fatigues and were playing war/the girls wanted some/they run around the house with water guns/shooting each other."

"It's fascinating to me/that an image of a child dressed up as a soldier/evokes so much attention/yet the real soldiers – their deaths – their wounded bodies/doesn't seem to faze most/or make news," she added.

The weapons-filled imagery has prompted messages of shock, horror and support on Rosie's blog, including:

  • Help me out here. ... Why is that child in the header pic (your child I believe) wearing a bullet belt around her? Is there a political statement ur trying to make? (Eula Hollon)
  • That photo of Vivi with the bullets made me cry – it's scary to think that there are precious little ones really walking around like that in our world "for real." Come on people! Help our babies (Jennifer Clark)
  • That picture is gross! I am disturbed…leaving your site for a clearing of my mind as to what you are up to! (David)
  • Oh, WOW Vivi looks beautiful.! the fact that U (sic) let her explore her imagination like that shows what a good mom U R (sic). In some countries though, they are training terrorists that young, how sad is that? (Jessika)
  • My god ... that picture. I can't stop crying. This war is such bull----. (Jessi)
  • The latest photo of Vivi is brilliant and disturbing. Sickening to know that this is reality for thousands of children around the world. Sometimes sister-friend, you break my heart. Thank you xox (Sandy)
  • Powerful picture on your header. What we need to be focusing on, instead of you know who. Love it. I can see the negative comments flowing in. (Steven)
  • Not sure of the "message" you are trying to send with that pic of Viv, but I guarantee many are not going to get it. ... Children with bullets, even fake ... ?? what are u (sic) thinking? (Jon E.)

O'Donnell has been a proponent of gun-control measures over the years, but was accused of hypocrisy in 2000 when it was revealed her bodyguard had applied for a concealed weapons permit at the Greenwich, Conn., police department so he could better protect Rosie's children.

An angry O'Donnell at the time blamed the media and gun-industry supporters for releasing the information.

She blamed the Greenwich police for covertly releasing the information to the press in order to paint her as a charlatan. She also said she was upset that reporters "informed the world" that her security personnel were unarmed, suggesting the revelation raised the risks to her family.

"[My bodyguard] has the right as a person who's residing in Connecticut a lot of the time due to his work with me to request to carry a gun. ... He's an individual and he works for a security firm," O'Donnell told Katie Couric, who was still hosting NBC's "Today" show.

O'Donnell also suggested gun-rights organizations like the National Rifle Association were partly responsible for spreading the word about the gun permit application, suggesting it was a politically motivated action and, in part, an attempt to find out whether or not her bodyguard was carrying an unlicensed firearm.

1 comment:

Iceman said...

WAAA WAAAA WAAAA, Move to Amsterdam you fat pig!!!!

would they print that on her blog??