Created by Bar Stools

05 May 2009

I thought having glitter on you from the stripper was impossible to explain...

Woman bites lover's penis off in car crash.
A boss and his secretary who were having an affair saw their romantic tryst interrupted in a wince-inducing manner - after a car crash led her to accidentally bite his penis off.

According to reports in China Press and Sin Chew Daily, the 30-year-old woman was performing oral sex on her boss in a car in a Singapore park, when the car was struck by a reversing van.
The impact caused her to bite the man's penis off.


Iceman said...

Well... was she a spitter or a swollower ???

Iceman said...

There once was a boss from Singapore,
Who treated his Secretary like a two bit whore.
While she went down on the "little man",
They got hit by a van,
and she bit it off at the core!!


Iceman said...

Dang it, I can't spell to good no more..

Iceman said...

Does the company health care plan cover this???

Iceman said...

If this had occured on the surface of the moon... what would have hit the lunar surface first after she spit....the penis or the pubic hair??
I gots to know !!!

Kinda like the hammer and the feather, don't ya think??
I bettcha old Neil Armstrong knows.

Iceman said...

A long, long, time ago, in a far away land...a co-worker of mine needed six stitches on his shaft from a toothy hummer (he said it hurt so good he didn't want it stop). So he goes to the emergency room on base and they call in the flight surgeon (it's like 1 AM on a friday night) and the Doc sews him up.
He gets home and he tells his wife that it got stuck in his flight suit zipper!!
His buddies spent the next week trying to show him naked lady pictures to see if his stitches would stretch or break!!