Created by Bar Stools

28 April 2008


How will the dead dolphin be used?

SeaWorld Dolphin Dies Performing Trick In Front Of Show Crowd

UPDATED: 9:31 am EDT April 28, 2008

A SeaWorld dolphin died after it collided with another dolphin during an aerial show trick performed in front of a crowd.
Officials said the dolphin, called Sharky, hit the other dolphin during a Sunday show at SeaWorld's Discovery Cove. The accident was apparently a freak accident.Sharky was a 30-year-old female dolphin that had performed the trick dozens of times, officials said.The dolphin will be used for research at the park, Local 6 reported.Watch Local 6 News for more on this story.


Iceman said...

Why would call a dolphin "sharky" !! SOunds like that poor dolphin had issues.
You know I used to work at Seaworld and that was about 30 years ago. Sharky does kind of have my nose...what do you think we did working in the middle of the night.

Iceman said...

Taste just like chicken.

Iceman said...

A mid-air over the pool. THat must have been one hell of a collision.

Iceman said...

By the way, did you know that Mexico City is basically "smoke free" as in no smoking in restuarants or bars??? I bought a nice cuban last night {cigar that is}and could not find anywhere to smoke it...not even in the sleaziest, mexican, porno video bar!!!! Now that IS a sign of the appocolypse!!!

Iceman said...

And don't even think I will submit to a DNA test!!

Tim said...

now that you mention it, sharky does favor you a bit. you should go on Maury to take the dna test

they have mexican porn video bars? i thought they was all good cath'licks

Anonymous said...

The dolphin, Sharky, that you make light of here was a very cherished individual. She and her mate spent years at Marineland in California. They were subsequently sold to $ea World San
Diego. They lived there together for many years. They interacted with, and made genuine friends with many humans.

$ea World in its callous, mercinary way separated Sharky from her life mate and her relatives a few years
ago. They shipped her, along with dozens of other dolphins, to Discovery cove in order to make more money off them. $ea World separated family members from one another, totally disrupting lives.
Creatures like Sharky are modern-day slaves.

Don't take my word for how $eaWorld operates - see PBS' Frontline show :

Tim said...

Nice plug for facist-line, anonymous, who are you, charlie the tuna? you know waaaaay too much about the private lives of dolphins, did you use to abuse their blow holes, like ice did back when he worked at sea-whirled? in the words of the immortal william shatner "get a life, move out of your parent's basement already", go read some david brin

Tim said...

i'll be waiting to see if you get the david brin reference, it will uplifting

Iceman said...

Okay, let me get this straight....
Sea World is bad because they BOUGHT Sharky and mate FROM Marineland...(now where did Marineland get Sharky, did he answer a "help wanted" ad for "modern-day" slave?)
That's like blaming the "white man" for slavery, just 'cause he BOUGHT the Africans from OTHER Africans (who also had placed a "help wanted" ad....for slaves!!)
oooooopppssssss...don't let Rev Wright read this story,

Iceman said...

you really know how to attract the nut-jobs don't ya.
I googled Dave Brin..I'm too lazy to look into it.

Iceman said...

I can tell you this...When I worked there in the late 70's, Sea World treated their animals better than their employees.
So now I have to wonder, If it isn't Sharky, where is that beaked nose ice mammal...maybe it's in the penguin pen.