Created by Bar Stools

26 July 2007

Another Sign of the Apocalypse

Swiss to soon vote on introduction of lawyers for animals
Jul 26 10:47 AM US/Eastern

BERN, Switzerland (AP) - The Swiss could soon be voting on whether lawyers should be allowed to defend animals in court.

The Swiss agency for the protection of animals (PSA) submitted a petition today to the federal government to introduce state lawyers for animals.

It made the request after having collected about 150,000 signatures, more than the 100,000 needed to prompt a referendum to introduce a new law.

The aim is to further crack down on the mistreatment of animals.

PSA said in a statement that while anyone who mistreats an animal can hire a defence lawyer, there is nobody to represent martyred or dead creatures.

The initiative proposes establishing animal lawyers in each state to investigate and represent the victims in cases going to court.

The work of the lawyers will be backed by higher fines for violations of animal protection laws.

Referendums are the cornerstone of Switzerland's system of direct democracy, and citizens cast ballots several times a year on a wide variety of questions.


Iceman said...

"Your Honor,
My client is an Ass !!!"

Iceman said...

I guess their first case will be in Mass for the kid in the previous blog

Iceman said...

I can see it now..."Hate crimes against animals".
"You have been find 1,000 lbs of oats for calling that "stud" a "pony".

Iceman said...

We got GH rock the 80's,
"Radar Love" is the worst song I have seen in the Guitar Hero games yet !!! They took a great song and totally "F'd" it up!!
But, there is some good stuff on there that they didn't ruin.

Iceman said...

You can no longer use the analogy..."Hung like a Horse".
That ruins the Equine's self esteem (you know, how every women stares at a horse when he is taking a leak)!!

Tim said...

are you home for a while? can I get a test run on gh rocks the 80's