Created by Bar Stools

22 June 2007

Ice, this just in on the couple that died from sex

Here's the roof.

More to come on this heartbreaking story


Iceman said...

I can't keep from thinking that there is more to this story...either some bad drugs (or jaegermeister) or some homeless person pissed that they couldn't sleep and pushed 'em off.
I had a fraternity brother drink himself unconcious at a party and he NEVER woke up !! I was there, I saw him drinking, and I saw him in the shower when we were trying to "wake him up"... bottom line is this.. he was an alcholic, he knew it, we knew it, and we all just laughed it off every weekend 'cause he was always doing something stupid (he was a sloppy drunk, not a mean drunk).
It was a waste of someone's life, and nobody stopped it...but I learned from it ,, but again.. Darwin works in mysterious ways

Tim said...

Darwin, indeed

yesterday we got 800 hits from this story

Anonymous said...

Just so you insensitive assholes know...the toxicology reports came in and she had NO DRUGS OR ALCOHOL IN HER SYSTEM!

Tim said...

thanks mourning

we here at 2gh2 appreciate your input, we had been watching for the toxicology report but you were the first to send it to us

but i guess drugs and alcohol aren't the only forms of risky behavior than can have consequences

Iceman said...

Well...I do appologize for thinking that drugs and/or alchohol were involved....
Now I've really got to wonder why a completely sober and sane person would actually do something like this??????
This to me is even more troubling.... and as what I have been one has been asking this question..

Iceman said...

Insensitive indeed, I guess I need to increase my estrogen dosage..

Iceman said...

One more whinning comment from the face book crowd and I will be forced to post my lymrick on the subject....
Since I hae been labeled an insensitive A**hole, I may as well play the part!!