Who c-cares about Live Earth?
May 19, 2007
JUST when it looked like every rock star on the planet was jumping aboard AL GORE's green bandwagon, there’s a backlash already underway.
THE WHO's ROGER DALTRY has blasted the big Wembley gig Gore is organising to raise awareness of global warming.
The huge concert - which features performances from the likes of MADONNA and RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS - is taking place at Wembley on July 7 and in other countries around the world.
But Roger, who played with U2 at Live Aid and Live8, reckons the whole thing is a waste of time.
Speaking exclusively to Bizarre, Roger said: 'Bo***cks to that! The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert.
'I can't believe it. Let's burn even more fuel.
'We have problems with global warming, but the questions and the answers are so huge I don't know what a rock concert's ever going to do to help.
'Everybody on this planet at the moment, unless they are living in the deepest rainforest in Brazil, knows about climate change.”
The rocker, who used to sing about my g-generation, added: 'My answer is to burn all the f***ing oil as quick as possible and then the politicians will have to find a solution.”"Everybody's known about that problem for years. We are all f***ing conscious of global warming."
Roger's comments come hot on the heels of SIR BOB GELDOF’s equally scathing views.
Last week the Live Aid hero lashed out, saying: "Why is Gore actually organising them? To make us aware of the greenhouse effect?
A Live Earth spokesman said: “People are aware of global warming but millions are not doing anything about changing their lifestyles.”
But before Sir Bob thinks he has found an ally in Roger, the legendary British singer also admitted he feels badly let down by Live 8.
Ten concerts were held simultaneously in July 2005 with the goal to Make Poverty History.
Again Roger complains that unlike the original Live Aid in 1985, where the money went directly to famine relief, the follow-up 20 years later had no achievable aims.
Roger moaned: "What did we really achieve at Live 8? We got loads of platitudes and no action.
"Who were we kidding there?
"At least with Live Aid, Bob Geldof was willing to work the trenches and they did save a lot of lives.
"We could see what we achieved at the end of it."
Roger also confirmed that he and PETE TOWNSHEND will not be performing at this summer's other big charity music event, the Concert For Diana.
He said: "It would be wrong of us to play. It should be for those two boys, the show that they want.
"They obviously want Elton John, as he holds memories for them, but it would be a joke for us to play.
"Not unless they are real Who fans, which I very much doubt."
You can see The Who very soon though, as the band are playing a number of shows and festivals in England as part of the European tour.
Glad i checked in on this one from Mexico...
THE WHO..........
Even in their old age , the WHO do not bow to the mainstream BS. I'd like to see Larry King or some other butt rash from CNN interview Daltrey. "Won't get fooled again"!!!
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